Jethol Teeworlds Clan
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1Clanrules                  Empty Clanrules Tue May 17, 2016 10:34 pm



Clanrules: (stolen by AEON Razz)

1. Don't use cheats of any kind (we accept only antiping and everything you can do with the standard/non-modded client).

2. Don't be a jerk (more than we already are).

3. No multi-claning (Vanilla).

4. The great Leaders are always Right.

5. Members must speak English, at least be fluent in 'written' English, and understand/be understandable in spoken English.

6. Members inactive for too long will lose membership. It might be possible to reintegrate the clan after depending on the situation. We still love you guys, but this clan is about activity.

7. Tell us when you have to go inactive.

8. Be available on Skype or WhatsApp so we can call you for CW.

9. During the application-time make as clantag "Jethol.a". If you get accepted delete the "a" and if you get rejected delete the full clantag.

10. You have to create a bind with "JETHOL - ASSHOLES ALWAYS WIN!" and spam it 10 times a day.

11. Everything that´s written in our intern forum or whatsapp group, must be kept top secret.

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